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Raman effect

(Encyclopedia) Raman effectRaman effecträˈmən [key], appearance of additional lines in the spectrum of monochromatic light that has been scattered by a transparent material medium. The effect was…


(Encyclopedia) transducer, device that accepts an input of energy in one form and produces an output of energy in some other form, with a known, fixed relationship between the input and output. One…


(Encyclopedia) heterotrophheterotrophhĕtˈərətrōfˌ [key], living organism that obtains its energy from carbohydrates and other organic material. All animals and most bacteria and fungi are…


(Encyclopedia) saprophytesaprophytesăpˈrəfītˌ [key], any plant that depends on dead plant or animal tissue for a source of nutrition and metabolic energy, e.g., most fungi (molds) and a few flowering…


(Encyclopedia) calorie, abbr. cal, unit of heat energy in the metric system. The measurement of heat is called calorimetry. The calorie, or gram calorie, is the quantity of heat required to raise the…


(Encyclopedia) autotrophautotrophôtˈətrōfˌ [key], in biology, an organism capable of synthesizing its own organic substances from inorganic compounds. Autotrophs produce their own sugars, lipids, and…

Joule, James Prescott

(Encyclopedia) Joule, James PrescottJoule, James Prescottj&oomacr;l, joul [key], 1818–89, English physicist. His scientific researches began in his youth when he invented an electromagnetic…


(Encyclopedia) photonphotonfōˈtŏn [key], the particle composing light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, sometimes called light quantum. The photon has no charge and no mass. About the…

solar cell

(Encyclopedia) solar cell, semiconductor devised to convert light to electric current. It is a specially constructed diode, usually made of forms of crystalline silicon or of thin films (as of copper…


(Encyclopedia) blackbody, in physics, an ideal black substance that absorbs all and reflects none of the radiant energy falling on it. Lampblack, or powdered carbon, which reflects less than 2% of…