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Energy, United States Department of

(Encyclopedia) Energy, United States Department of, executive department of the federal government responsible for coordinating national activities relating to the production, regulation, marketing,…

energy, sources of

(Encyclopedia) energy, sources of, origins of the power used for transportation, for heat and light in dwelling and working areas, and for the manufacture of goods of all kinds, among other…


(Encyclopedia) entropyentropyĕnˈtrəpē [key], quantity specifying the amount of disorder or randomness in a system bearing energy or information. Originally defined in thermodynamics in terms of heat…

hot spring

(Encyclopedia) hot spring, natural discharge of groundwater having an elevated temperature. Most hot springs result from the emergence of groundwater that has passed through or near recently formed,…

Atomic Energy Commission

(Encyclopedia) Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), former U.S. government commission created by the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 and charged with the development and control of the U.S. atomic energy…


(Encyclopedia) phosphorescencephosphorescencefŏsˌfərĕsˈəns [key], luminescence produced by certain substances after absorbing radiant energy or other types of energy. Phosphorescence is distinguished…

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

(Encyclopedia) Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), an independent U.S. government commission, created by the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 and charged with licensing and regulating civilian use…