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(Encyclopedia)Gansu or Kansu both: gänˈso͞oˈ [key], province, 141,000 sq mi (365,284 sq km), NW China. The capital is ...

Tohono O'Odham

(Encyclopedia)Tohono O'Odham păpˈəgōˌ, päˈ– [key], Native North Americans speaking a language that belongs to the Uto-Aztecan branch of the Aztec-Tanoan linguistic stock (see Native American languages) and...


(Encyclopedia)biotechnology, the use of biological processes, as through the exploitation and manipulation of living organisms or biological systems, in the development or manufacture of a product or in the technol...


(Encyclopedia)Asturias ästo͞oˈryäs [key], autonomous community and coextensive prov., 4,093 sq mi (10,602 sq km), and former kingdom, NW Spain, S of the Bay of Biscay and E of Galic...

Melbourne, William Lamb, 2d Viscount

(Encyclopedia)Melbourne, William Lamb, 2d Viscount mĕlˈbərn [key], 1779–1848, British statesman. He entered Parliament as a Whig in 1805, was (1827–28) chief secretary for Ireland, and entered (1828) the Hou...


(Encyclopedia)Decatur. 1 City (2020 pop. 57,938), seat of Morgan co., N Ala., on the Tennessee River; inc. 1826. It has shipyards, port traffic, and diverse ...


(Encyclopedia)Hebei or Hopei both: ho͝o-bā [key], province, 78,900 sq mi (204,404 sq km), NE China, on the Bohai, an ...


(Encyclopedia)Shaanxi shĕnˈsēˈ [key] [west of the mountain passes], province (2010 pop. 37,327,378), c.76,000 sq mi (196,840 sq km), N central China. Xi'an is the capital. From north to south Shaanxi has four m...

Powhatan Confederacy

(Encyclopedia)Powhatan Confederacy, group of Native North Americans belonging to the Algonquian branch of the Algonquian-Wakashan linguistic stock (see Native American languages). Their area embraced most of tidewa...


(Encyclopedia)pampas pămˈpəz, Span. pämˈpäs [key], wide, flat, grassy plains of temperate S South America, c.300,000 sq mi (777,000 sq km), particularly in Argentina and extending into Uruguay. Although the r...

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