Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Borden, Sir Frederick William

(Encyclopedia)Borden, Sir Frederick William, 1847–1917, Canadian statesman, b. Cornwallis, N.S. He entered (1874) the Canadian House of Commons as a Liberal and served (1896–1911) as Wilfrid Laurier's minister ...


(Encyclopedia)tribune, in ancient Rome, one of various officers. The history of the office of tribune is closely associated with the struggle of the plebs against the patrician class to achieve a more equitable pos...

Aratus, Greek statesman and general

(Encyclopedia)Aratus, d. 213 b.c., Greek statesman and general of Sicyon, prime mover and principal leader of the Second Achaean League. His objective at first was to free the Peloponnesus from Macedonian dominatio...


(Encyclopedia)Sabellius, fl. 215, Christian priest and theologian, b. probably Libya or Egypt. He went to Rome, became the leader of those who accepted the doctrine of modalistic monarchianism, and was excommunicat...

Rosamond, wife of the Lombard king Alboin

(Encyclopedia)Rosamond rŏzˈəmənd [key], fl. c.570, wife of the Lombard king Alboin. The daughter of King Kunimund of the Gepidae, a Germanic people, she was captured by Alboin, who had defeated and killed her f...

Siger de Brabant

(Encyclopedia)Siger de Brabant sēzhāˈ də bräbäNˈ [key], fl. 1260–77, French theologian, head of the movement known as Latin Averroism. At the Univ. of Paris he taught that the individual soul had no immort...


(Encyclopedia)Shubun sho͞oˈbo͞onˈ [key], fl. 1st half of 15th cent., Japanese painter and Zen Buddhist priest. He studied under Josetsu, and became the central figure in the renaissance in Japan of the Chinese ...


(Encyclopedia)Scopas skōˈpəs [key], Greek sculptor, fl. 4th cent. b.c., b. Paros. Although numbered among the Athenians, he wandered from place to place and did not attach himself to any school. He was the first...

Tarik ibn Ziyad

(Encyclopedia)Tarik ibn Ziyad täˈrĭk [key], fl. 711, Berber leader of the Muslim invaders of Spain. When the heirs of the Visigothic king, Witiza, requested help from the Moors of N Africa against the usurper Ro...

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