Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Oak Park

(Encyclopedia)Oak Park. 1 Village (1990 pop. 53,648), Cook co., NE Ill., a residential suburb adjacent to Chicago; settled 1833, inc. 1901. Some 25 houses there and the Unity Temple (1908) were designed by Frank Ll...


(Encyclopedia)Cornelia kôrnēlˈyə [key], fl. 2d cent. b.c., Roman matron, daughter of Scipio Africanus Major. She was the wife of Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus and mother of the Gracchi. She refused to remarry af...


(Encyclopedia)Gamaliel gəmāˈlēəl [key]. 1 In the Bible, Manassite chief. 2 In the New Testament, president of the Sanhedrin at Jerusalem; teacher of St. Paul. He was also known as Gamaliel I, or Gamaliel the E...

Thomas of Erceldoune

(Encyclopedia)Thomas of Erceldoune ûrˈsəldo͞onˌ [key], fl. 1220?–1297?, Scottish seer and poet, also known as Thomas the Rhymer and Thomas Learmont. Evidence of his existence is founded on the mention of his...


(Encyclopedia)Hittites hĭtˈīts [key], ancient people of Asia Minor and Syria, who flourished from 1600 to 1200 b.c. The Hittites, a people of Indo-European connection, were supposed to have entered Cappadocia c....


(Encyclopedia)Nefertiti nĕfˌrĕtēˈtē [key], fl. c.1372–1350 b.c., queen of ancient Egypt; wife of Ikhnaton (XVIII dynasty) and aunt of Tutankhamen. She seems to have been divorced by Ikhnaton late in his rei...


(Encyclopedia)Ictinus ĭktīˈnəs [key], fl. 2d half of 5th cent. b.c., one of the greatest architects of Greece. His celebrated work is the Parthenon (447–432 b.c.) upon the acropolis at Athens, which he built ...


(Encyclopedia)Ariovistus ârˌēōvĭsˈtəs [key], fl. 58 b.c., Germanic chieftain, leader of the Suebi. He crossed the Rhine c.71 b.c., defeated the Aedui, and came to dominate much of Gaul (see Gallic Wars). In ...

Alarcón, Hernando de

(Encyclopedia)Alarcón, Hernando de ārnänˈdō dā älärkōnˈ [key], fl. 1540, Spanish explorer in the Southwest. He was given command of a fleet that was supposed to support the land expedition of Francisco V...

Janszoon, Willem

(Encyclopedia)Janszoon, Willem vĭˈləm yänˈsōn [key] fl. late 16th–early 17th cent., Dutch navigator and colonial governor; his name also appears was Jansz or Janssen. Janszoon served (1603–11, 1612–16, ...

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