Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

North Atlantic Drift

(Encyclopedia)North Atlantic Drift, warm ocean current in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean. It is a continuation of the Gulf Stream, the merging point being at lat. 40°N and long. 60°W. Off the British Isl...

Bié Plateau

(Encyclopedia)Bié Plateau or Bihé Plateau both: byĕ [key], highland region, western section of the central plateau of Angola, SW Africa; alt. 5,000 to 6,000 ft (1,520–1,830 m). Its cool climate and ample rainf...


(Encyclopedia)Saarland zärˈlänt [key], state (1994 pop. 1,080,000), 991 sq mi (2,567 sq km), SW Germany; formerly called the Saar or the Saar Territory. Saarbrücken is the capital; other cities include Völklin...

McCarthy, Gina

(Encyclopedia) McCarthy, Gina (Regina McCarthy), 1954- , American environmentalist and government official, Brighton, Ma., Univ. of Ma., Boston (B.A., 1976), Tufts U...

Tunguska Basin

(Encyclopedia)Tunguska Basin, c.400,000 sq mi (1,036,000 sq km), Krasnoyarsk Territory and Sakha Republic, E central Siberian Russia, between the Yenisei and Lena rivers. It has a huge untapped coal reserve. The ma...

Western Sahara

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Western Sahara, territory (2015 est. pop. 526,000), 102,703 sq mi (266,000 sq km), NW Africa, occupied by Morocco. It borders on the Atlantic Ocean in the west, on Morocco in the north, on Alge...

Rupert's Land

(Encyclopedia)Rupert's Land, Canadian territory held (1670–1869) by the Hudson's Bay Company, named for Prince Rupert, first governor of the company. Under the charter granted (1670) to the company by Charles II,...

Ordinance of 1787

(Encyclopedia)Ordinance of 1787, adopted by the Congress of Confederation for the government of the Western territories ceded to the United States by the states. It created the Northwest Territory and is frequently...

Kemper, Reuben

(Encyclopedia)Kemper, Reuben, d. 1827, American adventurer, b. Virginia. With his brothers Nathan and Samuel he settled c.1800 in Feliciana, just above Baton Rouge, in West Florida, then Spanish territory. Expelled...

Constantine II, Roman emperor

(Encyclopedia)Constantine II, 316–40, Roman emperor, son of Constantine I. When the empire was divided at the death (337) of Constantine I, among the brothers Constantius II, Constans I, and Constantine II, Const...

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