Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Sancroft, William

(Encyclopedia)Sancroft, William săngˈkrôft [key], 1617–93, English prelate, archbishop of Canterbury. His opposition to Calvinist doctrine caused him to remain abroad during the latter part of the Commonwealth...


(Encyclopedia)Rollo rŏlf [key], c.860–c.932, first duke of Normandy. As leader of the Norman pirates settled at the mouth of the Seine, he attacked (910) Paris and Chartres. By the Treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte...

Colgate, William

(Encyclopedia)Colgate, William kōlˈgāt [key], 1783–1857, American manufacturer and philanthropist, b. England. Arriving (1795) as a youth in the United States, Colgate learned candlemaking in Baltimore and New...

Collier, Jeremy

(Encyclopedia)Collier, Jeremy, 1650–1726, English clergyman. Collier was imprisoned as one of the nonjurors, who refused to pledge allegiance to William III and Mary II. He later was outlawed (1696) for absolving...

Cremer, Sir William Randal

(Encyclopedia)Cremer, Sir William Randal krēˈmər [key], 1828–1908, English pacifist. At first active in trade unionism, he gradually expanded his work and interests, becoming one of the most active advocates o...

Chillingworth, William

(Encyclopedia)Chillingworth, William, 1602–44, English theologian. He was converted to Roman Catholicism and in 1630 went to Douai to study. Under the influence of his godfather, William Laud, he abjured that fai...

Giauque, William Francis

(Encyclopedia)Giauque, William Francis jēōkˈ [key], 1895–1982, American chemist, b. Niagara Falls, Ont., Canada, grad. Univ. of California (B.S., 1920; Ph.D., 1922). A member of the faculty of the Univ. of Cal...

Henry I, king of France

(Encyclopedia)Henry I, c.1008–1060, king of France (1031–60), son and successor of King Robert II. To defend his throne against his mother, his brothers Robert and Eudes, and subsequently against the count of B...


(Encyclopedia)Halesowen hālzˈōwən [key], city, Dudley metropolitan district, central England. Listed in the ...

McIntosh, William

(Encyclopedia)McIntosh, William măkˈəntŏshˌ [key], c.1775–1825, Native American chief, b. in the Creek country now within the limits of Carroll co., Ga.; son of a British army officer and a Creek woman. Frie...

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