Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Birkbeck, George

(Encyclopedia)Birkbeck, George, 1776–1841, English educator. He established (1800–1804) in Glasgow a popular course of lectures for workingmen, which led to the founding of the Glasgow Mechanics' Institution in...

Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of

(Encyclopedia)Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of, 1848, peace treaty between the United States and Mexico that ended the Mexican War. Negotiations were carried on for the United States by Nicholas P. Trist. The treaty wa...

Kyoto University

(Encyclopedia)Kyoto University, at Kyoto, Japan; founded 1897 as Kyoto Imperial Univ., renamed 1947. With 10 faculties, 17 graduate schools, and 13 research institutes, it is one of Japan's leading research-oriente...

Iowa State University of Science and Technology

(Encyclopedia)Iowa State University of Science and Technology, at Ames, commonly known as Iowa State University; land-grant with state and federal support; coeducational; chartered 1858, opened 1868 as an agricultu...

Berlin, Free University of

(Encyclopedia)Berlin, Free University of, at Berlin, Germany; founded in 1948 by students and faculty seceding from Humboldt Univ. in East Berlin. Supported by both the city of Berlin and the German government, it ...

Johns Hopkins University

(Encyclopedia)Johns Hopkins University, mainly at Baltimore. Johns Hopkins in 1867 had a group of his associates incorporated as the trustees of a university and a hospital, endowing each with $3.5 million. Daniel ...

Loyola University of Chicago

(Encyclopedia)Loyola University of Chicago, at Chicago; Jesuit; coeducational; est. 1870 as St. Ignatius College, present name adopted 1909. It has a liberal arts college and a graduate school, as well as schools o...

Mohammadi, Narges

(Encyclopedia)Narges Mohammadi, 1972– , b. Zanjan, Iran, Iranian human rights activist and author, studied at Imam Khomeini International University, also known as ...

British Columbia, University of

(Encyclopedia)British Columbia, University of, at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; provincially supported; coeducational; chartered 1908, opened 1915. It has faculties of arts, science, graduate studies, applie...

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