Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Ailes, Roger Eugene

(Encyclopedia)Ailes, Roger Eugene ālz [key], 1940–2017, American television executive and political adviser, b. Warren, Ohio, grad. Ohio Univ. (B.A., 1962). He worked in local television in the 1960s as a produc...

Thomas, George Henry

(Encyclopedia)Thomas, George Henry, 1816–70, Union general in the American Civil War, b. Southampton co., Va. He served in the Seminole War and in the Mexican War. Later he taught at West Point and served in Texa...


(Encyclopedia)picketing, act of patrolling a place of work affected by a strike in order to discourage its patronage, to make public the workers' grievances, and in some cases to prevent strikebreakers from taking ...


(Encyclopedia)threat, in law, declaration of intent to injure another by doing an unlawful act, with a view to restraining his freedom of action. A threat is distinguishable from an assault, for an assault requires...


(Encyclopedia)naturalization, official act by which a person is made a national of a country other than his or her native one. In some countries naturalized persons do not necessarily become citizens but may merely...

National Recovery Administration

(Encyclopedia)National Recovery Administration (NRA), in U.S. history, administrative bureau established under the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933. In response to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's cong...


(Encyclopedia)rebate, partial refund of the total price paid for goods or services. In the United States, rebates were historically given by railroads to favored shippers as a return on transportation charges. The ...

Tenure of Office Act

(Encyclopedia)Tenure of Office Act, in U.S. history, measure passed on Mar. 2, 1867, by Congress over the veto of President Andrew Johnson; it forbade the President to remove any federal officeholder appointed by a...


(Encyclopedia)Chillicothe chĭlˌĭkŏthˈē [key], city (2020 pop. 22,059), seat of Ross co., S central Ohio, on the ...


(Encyclopedia)Fayetteville fāˈĕtvĭl [key]. 1 City (2020 pop. 93,949), seat of Washington co., NW Ark., ...

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