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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)Terence (Publius Terentius Afer) tĕrˈəns [key], b. c.185 or c.195 b.c., d. c.159 b.c., Roman writer of comedies, b. Carthage. As a boy he was a slave of Terentius Lucanus, a Roman senator, who brou...

Henry IV, king of France

(Encyclopedia)Henry IV, 1553–1610, king of France (1589–1610) and, as Henry III, of Navarre (1572–1610), son of Antoine de Bourbon and Jeanne d'Albret; first of the Bourbon kings of France. Henry's marri...

Braintree, town and district, England

(Encyclopedia)Braintree, town and district, Essex, E England, between the Pant (Blackwater) and Brain river valleys. It has textile, plastic, and metal-product indust...


(Encyclopedia)Vegetius (Flavius Vegetius Renatus) vĭjēˈshəs [key], fl. c.385–400, Roman writer. He is the author of Epitoma rei militaris [a summary of military matters], which is an important source of infor...

Mommsen, Theodor

(Encyclopedia)Mommsen, Theodor tāˈōdōr mômˈsən [key], 1817–1903, German historian. Appointed (1848) professor of civil law at the Univ. of Leipzig, he supported the Revolution of 1848 and lost his chair be...


(Encyclopedia)Mauretania môrˌətāˈnēə [key], ancient district of Africa in Roman times. In a vague sense it meant only “the land of the Moors” and lay W of Numidia, but more specifically it usually includ...

Whitby, Synod of

(Encyclopedia)Whitby, Synod of, called by King Oswy of Northumbria in 663 at Whitby, England. Its purpose was to choose between the usages of the Celtic and Roman churches, primarily in the matter of reckoning the ...


(Encyclopedia)theology thēŏlˈəjē [key], in Christianity, the systematic study of the nature of God and God's relationship with humanity and with the world. Although other religions may be said to have theologi...

Küng, Hans

(Encyclopedia)Küng, Hans häns küng [key], 1928–, Swiss Roman Catholic theologian and author. Ordained in 1954, he became (1960) professor of theology at Tübingen Univ. and later served (1962–65) as adviser ...

Varro, Caius Terentius

(Encyclopedia)Varro, Caius Terentius kāˈyəs tĭrĕnˈshəs vârˈō [key], fl. 216 b.c., Roman statesman and general. Consul in 216 b.c., he opposed Hannibal at the battle of Cannae, where the Roman army was des...

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