Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Horvitz, H. Robert

(Encyclopedia)Horvitz, H. Robert (Howard Robert Horivtz), 1947–, American geneticist, b. Chicago, Ill., Ph.D. Harvard, 1974. Horvitz has been a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology since 1978. W...

Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial

(Encyclopedia)Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial, 28 acres (11 hectares), NE Va., in Arlington National Cemetery; est. 1955. Formerly called the Custis-Lee Mansion, it is a memorial to the Confederate Gene...

Bugeaud de la Piconnerie, Thomas Robert

(Encyclopedia)Bugeaud de la Piconnerie, Thomas Robert tōmäˈ rōbĕrˈ büzhōˈ də lä pēkōnərēˈ [key], 1784–1849, marshal of France, duc d'Isly, general and administrator in Algeria. He served in the ar...

Baylor University

(Encyclopedia)Baylor University, mainly at Waco, Tex.; coeducational; chartered and opened 1845 by Baptists (see Baylor, Robert E. B.) at Independence, moved 1886 and absorbed Waco Univ. (chartered 1861). The libra...

Northampton, Henry Howard, earl of

(Encyclopedia)Northampton, Henry Howard, earl of nôrthămpˈtən [key], 1540–1614, English courtier; son of the poet, Henry Howard, earl of Surrey; member of the powerful Howard family. His public career under E...

Napier, Robert Cornelis, 1st Baron Napier of Magdala

(Encyclopedia)Napier, Robert Cornelis, 1st Baron Napier of Magdala nāˈpēr, nəpērˈ [key], 1810–90, British general. In the engineering service in India, he fought in the Sikh Wars (1845–49) and took part i...

Gunpowder Plot

(Encyclopedia)Gunpowder Plot, conspiracy to blow up the English Parliament and King James I on Nov. 5, 1605, the day set for the king to open Parliament. It was intended to be the beginning of a great uprising of E...

Luna, Pedro de

(Encyclopedia)Luna, Pedro de dā lo͞oˈnä [key], 1328?–1423?, Aragonese churchman, antipope (1394–1417) with the name Benedict XIII. He was a doctor of canon law and as cardinal (1375) became an outstanding ...

land art

(Encyclopedia)land art or earthworks, art form developed in the late 1960s and early 70s by Robert Smithson, Robert Morris, Michael Heizer, and others, in which the artist employs the elements of nature in situ or ...

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett

(Encyclopedia)Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 1806–61, English poet, b. Durham. A delicate and precocious child, she spent a great part of her early life in a state of semi-invalidism. She read voraciously—philoso...

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