Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Salinas, river, United States

(Encyclopedia)Salinas, river, c.150 mi (240 km) long, rising in the Santa Lucia Mts., S Calif., and flowing (partly underground) past King City, Paso Robles, and Salinas, NW to Monterey Bay. The irrigated valley is...

Roman, town, Romania

(Encyclopedia)Roman, town (1990 pop. 78,749), NE Romania, in Moldavia, at the confluence of the Prut and Siretul rivers. Sugar refining and the manufacture of building materials are the chief industries. The town w...


(Encyclopedia)Cochise kōchēsˈ, kōchēˈsā [key], c.1815–1874, chief of the Chiricahua group of Apache in Arizona. He was friendly with the whites until 1861, when some of his relatives were hanged by U.S. so...

Fort Moultrie

(Encyclopedia)Fort Moultrie mo͞olˈtrē [key], on Sullivans Island at the entrance to the harbor of Charleston, S.C.; originally called Fort Sullivan. Constructed by Col. William Moultrie, the fort was renamed for...

Frank, Barney

(Encyclopedia)Frank, Barney, 1940–, American congressman, b. Bayonne, N.J., grad. Harvard (B.A., 1962; J.D., 1977). A liberal Democrat, he began his political career as chief assistant to Boston Mayor Kevin White...


(Encyclopedia)Angoumois äNgo͞omwäˈ [key], region and former province, W France, now coextensive with most of Charente dept. Angoulême is the historic capital and chief city. In the region is the Charente valle...


(Encyclopedia)Luanda lo͞oănˈdə, –änˈdə [key], city (1995 est. pop. 3,000,000), capital of Angola, a port on the Atlantic Ocean. It is Angola's largest city, its chief port, and its administrative center. M...


(Encyclopedia)Lorestan or Luristan both: lo͝orĭstänˈ [key], province (1991 pop. 1,501,778), c.11,700 sq mi (30,300 sq km), W Iran. The chief cities are the capital Khorramabad and Borujerd. The region consists ...

Metaxas, John

(Encyclopedia)Metaxas, John mĭtăkˈsəs, Gr. māˈtäksäsˌ [key], 1871–1941, Greek general and statesman. A career soldier, he served in the Greco-Turkish War of 1897 and in the Balkan Wars of 1912–13, in w...

Don, river, Russia

(Encyclopedia)Don dŏn, Rus. dôn [key], river, SW European Russia. It rises SE of Tula and flows c.1,200 mi (1,930 km), first SE past Voronezh, then SW into the Sea of Azov. At its eastern bend the Don is linked b...

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