Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Yalow, Rosalyn Sussman

(Encyclopedia)Yalow, Rosalyn Sussman, 1921–2011, American medical physicist, b. New York City, Ph.D. Univ. of Illinois, 1945. As a researcher at the Bronx Veterans Administration Hospital (from 1947), Yalow and c...

Bourne, Randolph Silliman

(Encyclopedia)Bourne, Randolph Silliman bôrn [key], 1886–1918, American author and social critic, b. Bloomfield, N.J., grad. Columbia Univ., 1912. His critical examination of the American way of life established...


(Encyclopedia)Cædmon kădˈmən [key], fl. 670, English poet. He was reputed by Bede to be the author of early English versions of various Old Testament stories. According to Bede, Cædmon was an ignorant herder w...

Ibsen, Henrik

(Encyclopedia)Ibsen, Henrik hĕnˈrĭk ĭbˈsən [key], 1828–1906, Norwegian dramatist and poet. His early years were lonely and miserable. Distressed by the consequences of his family's financial ruin and on his...


(Encyclopedia)Vikings, Scandinavian warriors who raided the coasts of Europe and the British Isles from the 9th cent. to the 11th cent. In their language, the word “viking” originally meant a journey, as for tr...

Carolina campaign

(Encyclopedia)Carolina campaign, 1780–81, of the American Revolution. After Sir Henry Clinton had captured Charleston, he returned to New York, leaving a British force under Cornwallis to subordinate the Carolina...


(Encyclopedia)siege, assault against a city or fortress with the purpose of capturing it. The history of siegecraft parallels the development of fortification and, later, artillery. In early times battering rams an...

Maginot Line

(Encyclopedia)Maginot Line măzhˈĭnō, Fr. mäzhēnōˈ [key], system of fortifications along the eastern frontier of France, extending from the Swiss border to the Belgian. It was named for André Maginot, who w...

Iredell, James

(Encyclopedia)Iredell, James īrˈdĕl [key], 1751–99, American jurist, b. Lewes, England. He emigrated (1767) to North Carolina, where he entered the customs service at Edenton and was made (1774) collector for ...

Lyubimov, Yuri Petrovich

(Encyclopedia)Lyubimov, Yuri Petrovich 1917–2014, Russian theater director, b. Yaroslavl, grad. B. V. Shchukin Drama School (1939). After service in World War II, he joined (1946) the Vakhtangov Theater as an act...

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