Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)Jakim jāˈkĭm [key], in the Bible. 1 Chief priest in David's reign. 2 Chief Benjamite. ...


(Encyclopedia)Eliphalet ēlĭfˈəlĕt [key], in the Bible, name of two sons of David. Alternate forms are Eliphelet and Elpalet. ...


(Encyclopedia)Ahiezer āhīēˈzər [key], in the Bible. 1 Prince of Dan. 2 Chief of David's bowmen. ...


(Encyclopedia)Ahinoam əhĭnˈōəm [key], in the Bible. 1 A wife of Saul. 2 One of David's early wives. ...


(Encyclopedia)Bruce, Scottish royal family descended from an 11th-century Norman duke, Robert de Brus. He aided William I in his conquest of England (1066) and was given lands in England. His son was granted fiefs ...

Ben-Gurion, David

(Encyclopedia)Ben-Gurion, David bĕn-go͞oˈrēŏn [key], 1886–1973, Israeli statesman, b. Plońsk, Poland, as David Grün. He settled in Palestine in 1906, but lived for periods of time in Istanbul, London, and ...


(Encyclopedia)Neariah nēˌərīˈə [key], in the Bible. 1 One of David's line. 2 Son of Ishi, a Simeonite captain. ...


(Encyclopedia)Igal īˈgăl [key], in the Bible. 1 Spy sent by Moses into Canaan. 2 One of David's guard. ...


(Encyclopedia)Jaare-oregim jāărˈē-ŏrˈēgĭm [key], in the Bible, father of David's man Elhanan. He also appears as Jair. ...


(Encyclopedia)Asahel āˈsəhĕl, ăsˈə– [key], in the Bible, David's nephew. Murdered by Abner, he was avenged by his brother Joab. ...

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