Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

McCarthy, Joseph Vincent

(Encyclopedia)McCarthy, Joseph Vincent, 1887–1978, American baseball manager, b. Philadelphia. A manager in the American Association and later (1926–30) in the National League, “Marse Joe,” as he was known,...

Tompion, Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Tompion, Thomas, 1639?–1713, English clockmaker. When the Royal Observatory at Greenwich was established in 1676, Tompion was chosen to make two clocks, to be wound only once a year, which proved to...

New School University

(Encyclopedia)New School University, in New York City; coeducational; chartered and opened 1919 as the New School for Social Research, a center for adult education, renamed 1997. Founded by Charles Beard, Thorstein...

Hamill, Pete

(Encyclopedia)Hamill, Pete (Wlliam Peter Hamill Jr.), 1935–2020, American journalist and author, b. Brooklyn, N.Y. He served in the U.S. Navy (1952–56) and worked as a graphic designer (1957–60) before being ...


(Encyclopedia)Niue nēo͞oˈā [key], coral island (2015 est. pop. 2,000), c.100 sq mi (260 sq km), South Pacific, freely associated with New Zealand. Alofi is the capital. The inhabitants are mainly Protestant Pol...

Selwyn, George Augustus

(Encyclopedia)Selwyn, George Augustus sĕlˈwĭn [key], 1809–78, English prelate. In 1841 he was appointed to the colonial diocese of New Zealand, becoming the first Anglican bishop of the island. Having prepared...

Pelli, César

(Encyclopedia)Pelli, César, 1926–2019, American architect, b. Tucumán, Argentina. Pelli graduated (1949) from the Univ. of Tucumán, immigrated (1952) to the United States, and subsequently attended (1952–54)...


(Encyclopedia)fasting, partial or temporary abstinence from food, a widely used form of asceticism. Among the stricter Jews the principal fast is the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur; in Islam the faithful fast all ...

Mola, Emilio

(Encyclopedia)Mola, Emilio āmēˈlyō mōˈlä [key], 1887–1937, Spanish nationalist general. Entering the army in 1904, he rose to the rank of general by 1927, when he commanded a military district in Morocco. ...

Cox, Bobby

(Encyclopedia)Cox, Bobby (Robert Joseph Cox), 1941–, American baseball player and manager, b. Tulsa, Okla. A third baseman who had a lackluster major-league career in two seasons (1968–69) with the New York Yan...

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