Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Paz Estenssoro, Victor

(Encyclopedia)Paz Estenssoro, Victor vēktōrˈ päs āstānsōˈrō [key], 1907–2001, president of Bolivia (1952–56, 1960–64, 1985–89). An attorney and economist born into a land-owning family, he was a fo...


(Encyclopedia)Edmonton ĕdˈməntən [key], city, provincial capital, central Alta., Canada, on the North S...

Castro, Raúl

(Encyclopedia)Castro, Raúl (Raúl Castro Ruz) käsˈtrō [key], 1931–, Cuban revolutionary and government official, younger brother of Fidel Castro. A loyal supporter of his brother and a Communist, Raúl Castr...


(Encyclopedia)zaibatsu zīˈbätso͞o [key] [Jap.,=money clique], the great family-controlled banking and industrial combines of modern Japan. The leading zaibatsu (called keiretsu after World War II) are Mitsui, M...


(Encyclopedia)Rustavi ro͝ostäˈvē [key], city (1989 pop. 153,661), E Georgia, on the Kura River. It was an industrial center, with ironworks and steelworks and chemical plants, but the local economy collapsed in...

Barrow, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Barrow, city (2020 pop. 4,390), N Alaska; inc. 1958. It is the northernmost (71° 16′ N) U.S. settlement and the trade center of the Alaska North Slop...


(Encyclopedia)Koszalin kôshäˈlēn [key], Ger. Köslin, city (1994 est. pop. 110,200), Zachodniopomorskie prov., NW Poland, near the Baltic Sea. Its economy depends on farm products from the surrounding fields, v...

Innis, Harold Adams

(Encyclopedia)Innis, Harold Adams, 1894–1952, Canadian political economist, b. Otterville, Ontario. One of Canada's leading economic historians, Innis wrote about various facets of Canadian culture and economy. I...

North Chicago

(Encyclopedia)North Chicago, industrial city (1990 pop. 34,978), Lake co., NE Ill.; inc. 1909. Its economy is closely intertwined with the neighboring city of Waukegan, which has a harbor on Lake Michigan. Pharmace...


(Encyclopedia)Oruro ōro͞oˈrō [key], city (1992 pop. 183,422), capital of Oruro dept., W Bolivia. It is Bolivia's railroad center. Oruro's economy is based on exploitation of the region's tin, tungsten, and copp...

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