Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Bourmont, Louis Auguste, comte de Ghaisnes de

(Encyclopedia)Bourmont, Louis Auguste, comte de Ghaisnes de lwē ôgüstˈ kôNt də gân də bo͞ormôNˈ [key], 1773–1846, marshal of France. An émigré, he fought against the French Revolution under the princ...

Vaudreuil-Cavagnal, Pierre de Rigaud, marquis de

(Encyclopedia)Vaudreuil-Cavagnal, Pierre de Rigaud, marquis de pyĕr də rēgōˈ märkēˈ də vōdröˈyə-kävänyälˈ [key], 1698–1765, last French governor of New France, b. Quebec. He was the son of Philip...

Pompidou, Georges Jean Raymond

(Encyclopedia)Pompidou, Georges Jean Raymond zhôrzh pôNpēdo͞oˈ [key], 1911–74. French political leader, president of France (1969–74). Georges Pompidou taught school and then served in World War II until t...

Sismondi, Jean Charles Léonard Simonde de

(Encyclopedia)Sismondi, Jean Charles Léonard Simonde de zhäN shärl lāônärˈ sēmôNdˈ də sēsmôNdēˈ [key], 1773–1842, Swiss historian, economist, and critic. A member of the circle of Mme de Staël, he...

Petrobras scandal

(Encyclopedia)Petrobras scandal, Brazilian corruption scandal involving executives at the government-controlled oil company, Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras), prominent politicians, and construction firms work...

De Lancey

(Encyclopedia)De Lancey də lănˈsē [key], family of political leaders, soldiers, and merchants prominent in colonial New York. Étienne De Lancey or Stephen De Lancey, 1663–1741, b. Caen, France, was among the...

Courcelle, Daniel Rémy, sieur de

(Encyclopedia)Courcelle, Daniel Rémy, sieur de dänyĕlˈ rāmēˈ syörˈ də ko͞orsĕlˈ [key], d.1698, governor of New France (1665–72). He arrived with the intendant Jean Talon, and together they inaugurate...

Maurepas, Jean Frédéric Phélippeaux, comte de

(Encyclopedia)Maurepas, Jean Frédéric Phélippeaux, comte de zhäN frādārēkˈ fālēpōˈ kôNt də môrəpäˈ [key], 1701–81, French statesman. He succeeded his father as minister of state at 14, the post ...

Medici, Piero de', 1416–69, Italian merchant prince

(Encyclopedia)Medici, Piero de' dā mĕˈdĭchē, Ital. māˈdēchē [key], 1416–69, Italian merchant prince. He succeeded his father, Cosimo de' Medici, as head of the Medici family and as leader of the Florent...

La Bruyère, Jean de

(Encyclopedia)La Bruyère, Jean de zhäN də lä brüyĕrˈ [key], 1645–96, French writer. He lived (1684–96) as tutor in the house of the prince de Condé. His great work, Les Caractères de Théophraste, trad...

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