Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)civics, branch of learning that treats of the relationship between citizens and their society and state, originally called civil government. With the large immigration into the United States in the la...

Sharon, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Sharon shârˈən [key], city (1990 pop. 17,493), Mercer co., NW Pa., on the Shenango River, near the Ohio line; settled c.1800, inc. as a city 1920. An industrial city, its chief manufactures are tex...

Buffalo, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Buffalo, city (2020 pop. 278,349), seat of Erie co., W N.Y., on Lake Erie and the Niagara and Buffalo rivers; inc. 1832. With more than 37 mi (60 km) of...

Muskie, Edmund Sixtus

(Encyclopedia)Muskie, Edmund Sixtus, 1914–96, U.S. Senator (1959–80), b. Rumford, Maine. A lawyer, he sat (1947–51) in the Maine legislature after serving in the navy in World War II. He later became (1955) M...

Wharton, Francis

(Encyclopedia)Wharton, Francis, 1820–89, American clergyman and lawyer, b. Philadelphia, grad. Yale, 1839. Admitted to the Pennsylvania bar in 1843, he became an authority on criminal law and wrote A Treatise on ...

Dartmouth, town, United States

(Encyclopedia)Dartmouth, residential and resort town (2020 pop. 33,783), Bristol co., SE Mass., on Buzzards Bay, in a dairy region; settled c.1650, inc. 1664. Farming...

Taunton, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Taunton tănˈtən, tŏn– [key], industrial city (1990 pop. 49,832), a seat of Bristol co., SE Mass., on the Taunton River; settled 1638, inc. as a city 1864. It has been a center of the silverware ...

Corona, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Corona kərōˈnə [key], city (2020 pop. 157,136), Riverside co., S Calif.; inc. 1896. The c...

Dothan, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Dothan dōˈthən [key], city (2020 pop. 71,072), seat of Houston co., SE Ala., near the Fla....

Bradford, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Bradford, city (2020 pop. 7,849), McKean co., NW Pa., in the Alleghenies, near the N.Y. line; settled c.1823, inc. as a city 1879. The growth of the cit...

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