Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Bode, Boyd Henry

(Encyclopedia)Bode, Boyd Henry, 1873–1953, American educator, b. Ridott, Ill., grad. Pennsylvania College (Iowa), 1896, Univ. of Michigan, 1897, Ph.D. Cornell, 1900. He taught philosophy at the Univ. of Wisconsin...

Santos Calderón, Juan Manuel

(Encyclopedia)Santos Calderón, Juan Manuel, 1951–, Colombian government official and political leader. From a politically influential family, he studied at the Univ. of Kansas, London School of Economics, Harvar...

Rupp, George Erik

(Encyclopedia)Rupp, George Erik, 1942–, American educator and theologian, b. Summit, N.J. He studied in Germany before graduating from Princeton. He earned a B.D. degree from Yale Univ. and a doctorate from Harva...

Jordan, country, Asia

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Jordan, officially Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, kingdom (2015 est. pop. 8,117,000), 35,637 sq mi (92,300 sq km), SW Asia. It borders on Israel and the West Bank in the west, on Syria in the nor...

Parker, Francis Wayland

(Encyclopedia)Parker, Francis Wayland, 1837–1902, American educator, b. Bedford, N.H. At the age of 16 he began his first job as a teacher in New Hampshire. After serving with the Union army in the Civil War, he ...

Orešković, Tihomir

(Encyclopedia)Orešković, Tihomir, 1966–, Croatian business executive and political leader, prime minister of Croatia (2016). Known as “Tim,” he attended McMaster Univ., Ontario, Canada (B.S., 1989, M.B.A., ...

Michaux, André

(Encyclopedia)Michaux, André äNdrāˈ mēshōˈ [key], 1746–1802, French botanist. He collected botanical specimens in Europe and Asia. In 1785 he was sent by the French government to establish nurseries in the...

Owen, Robert

(Encyclopedia)Owen, Robert, 1771–1858, British social reformer and socialist, pioneer in the cooperative movement. The son of a saddler, he had little formal education but was a zealous reader. At the age of 10 h...

Frankfurter, Felix

(Encyclopedia)Frankfurter, Felix, 1882–1965, American jurist, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1939–62), b. Vienna, Austria. He emigrated to the United States as a boy and later received (1906) his ...

corporal punishment

(Encyclopedia)corporal punishment, physical chastisement of an offender. At one extreme it includes the death penalty (see capital punishment), but the term usually refers to punishments like flogging, caning, muti...

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