Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Demangeon, Albert

(Encyclopedia)Demangeon, Albert dāmäNzhōNˈ [key], 1872–1940, French geographer, specializing in the study of regional and economic geography. His best-known works include Le Déclin de L'Europe (1920), L'Empi...

Destouches, Philippe Néricault

(Encyclopedia)Destouches, Philippe Néricault fēlēpˈ nārēkōˈ dāto͞oshˈ [key], 1680–1754, French dramatist. He was known for his moralistic comedies. Le Glorieux (1732, tr. 1791), his masterpiece, treats...

David, Félicien César

(Encyclopedia)David, Félicien César fālēsyăNˈ sāzärˈ dävēdˈ [key], 1810–76, French composer. His ode-symphony Le Desert (1844) and his opera Lalla-Roukh (1862) contain Eastern elements, presaging the ...


(Encyclopedia)Walton-le-Dale, city (1985 est. pop. 29,100), Lancashire, N England. There are engineering works and textile and paper industries. An 11th-century church was rebuilt in 1748. Oliver Cromwell's headqua...

Lalo, Édouard Victor Antoine

(Encyclopedia)Lalo, Édouard Victor Antoine ādwärˈ vēktôrˈ äNtwänˈ lälōˈ [key], 1823–92, French composer. Lalo's opera, Le Roi d'Ys (1888), Symphonie espagnole for violin and orchestra (1875), and bal...

Adam, Adolphe Charles

(Encyclopedia)Adam, Adolphe Charles ädōlfˈ shärlˈ ädäNˈ [key], 1803–56, French composer of the popular song Cantique de Noël. He composed more than 50 stage works, including comic operas such as Le Posti...


(Encyclopedia)Rutebeuf rütəböfˈ [key], fl. between 1254 and 1285, French poet. He was the author of an early miracle play, Le Miracle de Théophile, and of fabliaux, allegories, saints' lives, and satires. Skil...

Clouzot, Henri-Georges

(Encyclopedia)Clouzot, Henri-Georges äNrēˈ-zhôrzh clo͞ozōˈ [key], 1907–77, French film director, master of the Gallic noir cinema. His career spanned 40 years, but he was plagued by ill health and complete...

Ionesco, Eugène

(Encyclopedia)Ionesco, Eugène özhĕnˈ yŏnĕsˈkō [key], 1912–94, French playwright, b. Romania. Settling in France in 1938, he contributed to Cahiers du Sud and began writing avant-garde plays. His works str...


(Encyclopedia)ormolu ôrˈməlo͞o [key], finish used on metal to imitate gold. It is employed chiefly for furniture mountings. The term originally applied to a coating of ground gold and was extended to alloys of ...

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