Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Vetch, Samuel

(Encyclopedia)Vetch, Samuel, 1668–1732, British soldier and colonial administrator, b. Scotland. He settled in Albany, N.Y., in 1699 and became a trader with the Native Americans. Author of a plan to capture Fren...

Wither, George

(Encyclopedia)Wither, George, 1588–1667, English poet, b. Hampshire, studied at Oxford. While in prison for having written the satires Abuses Stript and Whipt (1613), he wrote five pastorals under the title The S...

Day, Dorothy

(Encyclopedia)Day, Dorothy, 1897–1980, American journalist and social activist, b. New York City. After studying at the Univ. of Illinois (1914–16), where she joined the Socialist party, she returned to New Yor...

Debray, Jules Régis

(Encyclopedia)Debray, Jules Régis zhül rāzhēsˈ dəbrāˈ [key], 1940–, French journalist and government official. He went to Cuba, taught philosophy at the Univ. of Havana, and, after lengthy conversations w...

Liebling, A. J.

(Encyclopedia)Liebling, A. J. (Abbott Joseph Liebling), 1904–63, American journalist, b. New York City. He left Dartmouth, attended the Columbia School of Journalism, and wrote for the Providence, R.I. Evening Bu...

Artagnan, Charles de Batz-Castelmore d'

(Encyclopedia)Artagnan, Charles de Batz-Castelmore d' shärl də bäts–kästĕlmôrˈ därtänyäNˈ [key], c.1620–1673, French soldier under King Louis XIV. He fell at the siege of Maastricht. Dumas père used...

Pollock, Jackson

(Encyclopedia)Pollock, Jackson, 1912–56, American painter, b. Cody, Wyo. He studied (1929–31) in New York City, mainly under Thomas Hart Benton, but he was more strongly influenced by A. P. Ryder and the Mexica...

Hamill, Pete

(Encyclopedia)Hamill, Pete (Wlliam Peter Hamill Jr.), 1935–2020, American journalist and author, b. Brooklyn, N.Y. He served in the U.S. Navy (1952–56) and worked as a graphic designer (1957–60) before being ...

Aldana, Francisco de

(Encyclopedia)Aldana, Francisco de fränthēsˈkō ᵺā äldäˈnä [key], 1537–78, Spanish general, diplomat, and poet, b. Alcántara or Naples. He symbolizes the ideal of the Spanish Renaissance. As a soldier ...

Manrique, Jorge

(Encyclopedia)Manrique, Jorge hôrˈhā mänrēˈkā [key], c.1440–1479, Spanish poet and soldier. Most of his verse is undistinguished, but his Coplas [couplets], on his father's death, are among the treasures o...

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