Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

public health

(Encyclopedia)public health, field of medicine and hygiene dealing with the prevention of disease and the promotion of health by government agencies. In the United States, public health authorities are engaged in m...


(Encyclopedia)crucifixion, hanging on a cross, in ancient times a method of capital punishment. It was practiced widely in the Middle East but not by the Greeks. The Romans, who may have borrowed it from Carthage, ...


(Encyclopedia)hedging, in commerce, method by which traders use two counterbalancing investment strategies so as to minimize any losses caused by price fluctuations. It is generally used by traders on the commoditi...

Gish, Lillian

(Encyclopedia)Gish, Lillian, 1896–1993, American stage and movie actress, b. Springfield, Ohio. In 1912 she began her film career with D. W. Griffith. A fragile, delicate beauty, Gish often played a heroine rescu...

Madoff, Bernard Lawrence

(Encyclopedia)Madoff, Bernard Lawrence māˈdôf [key], 1938–2021, American stockbroker, investment manager, and ...

Lippmann, Walter

(Encyclopedia)Lippmann, Walter, 1889–1974, American essayist and editor, b. New York City. He was associate editor of the New Republic in its early days (1914–17), but at the outbreak of World War I he left to ...

Durango, state, Mexico

(Encyclopedia)Durango do͞orängˈgō [key], state, 47,691 sq mi (123,520 sq km), N central Mexico. The city of ...

Elzevir, Louis

(Encyclopedia)Elzevir, Louis ĕlˈzəvər, –vēr [key], 1540–1617, Dutch printer and bookseller, whose name also appeared as Elsevier or Elzevier. He produced his first book at Leiden in 1583. Under his descend...

Fashoda Incident

(Encyclopedia)Fashoda Incident fəshōˈdə [key], 1898, diplomatic dispute between France and Great Britain. Toward the end of the 19th cent., while Britain was seeking to establish a continuous strip of territory...

evening primrose

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Evening primrose, Oenothera biennis evening primrose, common name for the Onagraceae, a family of plants of worldwide distribution, most species of which grow as herbs in the temperate New Wor...

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