Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Colima, state, Mexico

(Encyclopedia)Colima kōlēˈmä [key], state, 2,010 sq mi (5,206 sq km), SW Mexico, on the Pacific Ocean. ...

Maury, Matthew Fontaine

(Encyclopedia)Maury, Matthew Fontaine fŏntānˈ môrˈē [key], 1806–73, American hydrographer and naval officer, b. near Fredericksburg, Va. Appointed a midshipman in 1825, he saw varied sea duty until a stagec...


(Encyclopedia)Abkhazia äpsnēˈ [key], autonomous republic, 3,300 sq mi (8,547 sq km), in Georgia, between the Black Sea and the Greater Caucasus. Sukhumi (the capital) and Gagra are t...

Jay, John

(Encyclopedia)Jay, John, 1745–1829, American statesman, 1st chief justice of the United States, b. New York City, grad. King's College (now Columbia Univ.), 1764. He was admitted (1768) to the bar and for a time ...


(Encyclopedia)dialect, variety of a language used by a group of speakers within a particular speech community. Every individual speaks a variety of his language, termed an idiolect. Dialects are groups of idiolects...

Syracuse, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Syracuse sĭrˈəkyo͞os, sĕrˈ– [key], city (1990 pop. 163,860), seat of Onondaga co., central N.Y., on Onondaga Lake and the Erie Canal; settled c.1788, inc. as a city 1848. It is a port of entry...


(Encyclopedia)tornado, dark, funnel-shaped cloud containing violently rotating air that develops below a heavy cumulonimbus cloud mass and extends toward the earth. The funnel twists about, rises and falls, and whe...

Griffin, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Griffin, city (2020 pop. 23,478), seat of Spalding co., W central Ga., in a farm and cotton area increasingly integrated into metropolitan Atlanta's eco...

Erie, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Erie, city (2020 pop. 94,831), seat of Erie co., NW Pa., on Lake Erie; inc. as a city 1851. Pennsylvania's only port on the Great Lakes, Erie is a busy ...

Hay-Herrán Treaty

(Encyclopedia)Hay-Herrán Treaty hā-ĕränˈ [key], 1903, aborted agreement between the United States and Colombia providing for U.S. control of the prospective Panama Canal and for U.S. acquisition of a canal zon...

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