Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Laurent, Robert

(Encyclopedia)Laurent, Robert rōbârˈ lôrĕntˈ [key], 1890–1970, American sculptor, b. France. He emigrated to the United States in 1902 and later studied in Rome. Progressing from early decorative works, he ...

Casadesus, Robert

(Encyclopedia)Casadesus, Robert käsädāsüsˈ [key], 1899–1972, French pianist and composer, b. Paris. Casadesus was born into a family remarkable for its numerous celebrated musicians. After study at the Paris...

Rydberg, Johannes Robert

(Encyclopedia)Rydberg, Johannes Robert yo͞oˈhänəs rôˈbərt rüdˈbĕryə [key], 1854–1919, Swedish physicist. Rydberg was a professor at Lund from 1901 to 1919. He is best known for his grouping of the freq...

Nanteuil, Robert

(Encyclopedia)Nanteuil, Robert rōbĕrˈ näNtöˈyə [key], 1623?–1678, French draftsman and engraver. His pastel portraits gained him popularity, and in 1658 Louis XIV made him draftsman to the royal cabinet. H...

William II, king of England

(Encyclopedia)William II or William Rufus ro͞oˈfus [key], d. 1100, king of England (1087–1100), son and successor of William I. He was called William Rufus or William the Red because of his ruddy complexion. Hi...

Cromwell, Oliver

(Encyclopedia)Cromwell, Oliver krŏmˈwĕl, krŭmˈ–, –wəl [key], 1599–1658, lord protector of England. Opinions of Cromwell have always varied widely. His military skill and force of character are univers...

Walter, Lucy

(Encyclopedia)Walter, Lucy, 1630?–1658, mistress (1648–50) of Charles II of England during his exile in Holland and France. She was the mother by him of James Scott, duke of Monmouth, whom the Whigs supported a...

Henrietta Maria

(Encyclopedia)Henrietta Maria mərīˈə [key], 1609–69, queen consort of Charles I of England, daughter of Henry IV of France. She married Charles in 1625. Although she was devoted and loyal to her husband, her ...

Du Guesclin, Bertrand

(Encyclopedia)Du Guesclin, Bertrand bĕrträNˈ dü gĕklăNˈ [key], c.1320–80, constable of France (1370–80), greatest French soldier of his time. A Breton, he initially served Charles of Blois in the War of ...

Margaret of Austria

(Encyclopedia)Margaret of Austria, 1480–1530, Hapsburg princess, regent of the Netherlands; daughter of Emperor Maximilian I. She was betrothed (1483) to the dauphin of France, later King Charles VIII, and was tr...

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