Columbia Encyclopedia

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chain reaction

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Chain reaction: A neutron (n) strikes the uranium nucleus (U-235), causing it to split into fission products A and B and release two neutrons. These neutrons can in turn cause further fissions....

cricket, in zoology

(Encyclopedia)cricket, common name of the slender, chirping, hopping insects forming the family Gryllidae in the order Orthoptera. Most crickets have long antennae, muscular hind legs for jumping, and two pairs of ...

blast furnace

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Blast furnace for production of iron blast furnace, structure used chiefly in smelting. The principle involved in this means of extracting metals is that of the reduction of the ores by the ac...

Isthmian games

(Encyclopedia)Isthmian games ĭsˈmēən [key], athletic events organized c.581 b.c. They were held at Corinth in the spring of the first and third years of the Olympiad, and they honored Palaemon as well as Poseid...

Aki, Keiiti

(Encyclopedia)Aki, Keiiti, 1930–2005, American seismologist, b. Yokohama, Japan, Ph.D. Univ. of Tokyo, 1958. Associated with the Univ. of Tokyo 's Earthquake Research Institute from 1963, Aki joined the faculty o...


(Encyclopedia)clepsydra klĕpˈsĭdrə [key] or water clock, ancient device for measuring time by means of the flow of water from a container. A simple form of clepsydra was an earthenware vessel with a small openi...

Eastman, George

(Encyclopedia)Eastman, George, 1854–1932, American inventor, industrialist, and philanthropist, b. Waterville, N.Y. By mass production of his photographic inventions, Eastman enormously stimulated the development...

Hague, Frank

(Encyclopedia)Hague, Frank hāg [key], 1876–1956, American politician, mayor of Jersey City, N.J., b. Jersey City. He worked his way up through the ranks of the local Democratic machine and was elected (1913) to ...

Kahn, Robert Elliot

(Encyclopedia)Kahn, Robert Elliot, 1938–, American computer scientist, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., B.E.E. City College of New York, 1960, Ph.D. Princeton, 1964. With Vinton Cerf, he is responsible for the design and imple...

Romero, Francisco

(Encyclopedia)Romero, Francisco fränsēsˈkō rōmāˈrō [key], 1891–1962, Argentine philosopher and essayist, b. Seville, Spain. One of the most prominent philosophers of Latin America, he was the leading repr...

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