Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

York, Richard, duke of

(Encyclopedia)York, Richard, duke of, 1411–60, English nobleman, claimant to the throne. He was descended from Edward III through his father, Richard, earl of Cambridge, grandson of that king, and also through hi...

revival, religious

(Encyclopedia)revival, religious, renewal of attention to religious faith and service in a church or community, usually following a period of comparative inactivity and frequently marked by intense fervor. As appli...


(Encyclopedia)life, although there is no universal agreement as to a definition of life, its biological manifestations are generally considered to be organization, metabolism, growth, irritability, adaptation, and ...

geometric problems of antiquity

(Encyclopedia)geometric problems of antiquity, three famous problems involving elementary geometric constructions with straight edge and compass, conjectured by the ancient Greeks to be impossible but not proved to...


(Encyclopedia)gang, group of people organized for a common purpose, often criminal. Gangs of criminals were long known on the American frontier and also flourished in urban settings. Notorious were the outlaws led ...

Johnson, Emory Richard

(Encyclopedia)Johnson, Emory Richard, 1864–1950, American economist, b. Waupun, Wis., Ph.D. Univ. of Pennsylvannia, 1893. He joined the faculty of the Univ. of Pennsylvania in 1893 and was dean of its Wharton Sch...


(Encyclopedia)Limassol lēmäsôlˈ [key], city (1992 pop. 87,091), S Cyprus, on Akrotiri Bay. It is a district administrative center, a port, and a resort. Wine and agricultural goods are exported. At Limassol, in...

Church, Sir Richard

(Encyclopedia)Church, Sir Richard, 1784–1873, British army officer. After varied service, he organized a Greek regiment to defend (1812–15) the Ionian Islands, and in 1827 he was made generalissimo of the Greek...


(Encyclopedia)Fotheringhay fŏᵺˈərĭng-gā [key], village, Northamptonshire, central England, on the Nene River. Fotheringhay Castle (12th cent.), now in ruins, was the birthplace of Richard III and the scene o...

Morton, John, English prelate and statesman

(Encyclopedia)Morton, John, 1420?–1500, English prelate and statesman, archbishop of Canterbury (1486–1500). He studied law at Oxford and practiced in the London ecclesiastical courts. A supporter of the Lancas...

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