Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)megalopolis mĕgəlŏpˈlĭs [key] [Gr.,=great city], a group of densely populated metropolitan areas that combine to form an urban complex. It was first used in its modern sense by Jean Gottman (1957...

Mitchell, Keith Claudius

(Encyclopedia)Mitchell, Keith Claudius, 1946–, Grenadian political leader. Educated in the West Indies and the United States, he taught in Grenada and the United States and then worked as a consultant in Washingt...

Cox, Louise Howland King

(Encyclopedia)Cox, Louise Howland King, 1865–1945, American painter, b. San Francisco. She studied at the National Academy of Design and at the Art Students League, New York, under Kenyon Cox. whom she married in...

Davis, Benjamin Oliver

(Encyclopedia)Davis, Benjamin Oliver, 1877–1970, American general, b. Washington, D.C. After studying (1897–98) at Howard Univ., Davis served as a lieutenant in the Spanish-American War and in 1899 enlisted in ...

Harold V

(Encyclopedia)Harold V or Harald V, 1937–, king of Norway (1991–); son of Olaf V. He lived in exile in Washington, D.C., during World War II and was educated at Oslo Katedralskole before taking up a military ca...

Bourdon, Sébastien

(Encyclopedia)Bourdon, Sébastien sābästyăNˈ bo͞ordôNˈ [key], 1616–71, French painter. Bourdon was active in Rome (1634–37), in Sweden (1652–54) as Queen Christina's court portrait painter, and in Pari...

Catholic University of America

(Encyclopedia)Catholic University of America, at Washington, D.C.; the national university of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States; coeducational; founded 1887 and opened 1889. It includes a college of ar...

Bertoia, Harry

(Encyclopedia)Bertoia, Harry bĕrtoiˈyə [key], 1915–78, American sculptor and furniture designer, b. Italy. Bertoia emigrated to the United States in 1933 and joined Knoll International (1950). There he designe...

Bickerdyke, Mary Ann

(Encyclopedia)Bickerdyke, Mary Ann, 1817–1901, Union nurse in the American Civil War, b. Mary Ann Ball in Knox co., Ohio. Generally called Mother Bickerdyke, she served throughout the war in the West and was belo...

North, Douglass Cecil

(Encyclopedia)North, Douglass Cecil, 1920–2015, American economic historian, b. Cambridge, Mass., Ph.D. Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1952. North was on the faculty at the Univ. of Washington, Seattle (1950–83...

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