Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Armstrong, John, 1758–1843, American army officer

(Encyclopedia)Armstrong, John, 1758–1843, American army officer, U.S. Secretary of War (1813–14), b. Carlisle, Pa.; son of John Armstrong, “hero of Kittanning.” In the American Revolution he was on the staf...

Fraunces, Samuel

(Encyclopedia)Fraunces, Samuel frônˈsĭs [key], c.1722–95, American innkeeper, proprietor of the historic Fraunces Tavern in New York City. This building at the corner of Broad and Pearl streets was the De Lanc...

Bacon, Henry

(Encyclopedia)Bacon, Henry, 1866–1924, American architect, b. Watseka, Ill. He began his professional career with the firm of McKim, Mead, and White, but after 1903 he practiced independently. Among the important...

District of Columbia, University of the

(Encyclopedia)District of Columbia, University of the, at Washington, D.C.; coeducational; land-grant and federally supported; est. 1976 with the merger of three existing colleges; predominantly African American. I...

Noseda, Gianandrea

(Encyclopedia)Noseda, Gianandrea, 1964–, Italian conductor, b. Milan. He has been principal conductor of the BBC Philharmonic (2002–11), music director of the Teatro Regio di Torino, Italy (2007–), and music ...

Wood, Jethro

(Encyclopedia)Wood, Jethro, 1774–1834, American inventor, b. either in Dartmouth, Mass., or in Washington co., N.Y. In 1814, while a farmer in Cayuga co., N.Y., he patented a cast-iron plow in which he later embo...


(Encyclopedia)Wakashan wäkăshˈən, wôˈkəshänˌ, –shônˌ [key], branch of the Algonquian-Wakashan linguistic family, or stock, of North America and spoken by Native Americans of W Canada and the state of W...


(Encyclopedia)Springdale, city (1990 pop. 29,941), Benton and Washington counties, NW Ark.; inc. 1878. It is a poultry-processing center, and there is vegetable canning, printing, and the manufacture of air conditi...

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