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Federalist No. 16

No 15 No 17 The Same Subject Continued (The Insufficiency of the Present Confederation to Preserve the Union) From the New York Packet.Tuesday, December 4, 1787.Hamilton…

Federalist No. 21

No 20 No 22 Other Defects of the Present Confederation For the Independent Journal.Hamilton To the People of the State of New York: HAVING in the three last numbers…

Federalist No. 29

No 28 No 30 Concerning the Militia From the Daily Advertiser.Thursday, January 10, 1788Hamilton To the People of the State of New York: THE power of regulating the…

Queen Elizabeth II's Death...and Telling the Bees

Top of Page Source: iStockAfter the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Britain’s late monarch, several processes were put into motion. Once her passing at Scotland’s Balmoral Castle was announced at 6:31 p…

Liechtenstein Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Liechtenstein Index: History Political Conditions Economy U.S.-Liechtenstein Relations HISTORYAccording to the Constitution, the government is a…

Minutes of the Anti-Slavery Convention of Women

List of Delegates to the Convention.Minutes. At 10 o'clock, A. M. the Convention was called to order. On the nomination of a committee, appointed at preliminary meeting, on Monday, May 14th…

Eliza E. Mother George Biography

Eliza E. “Mother” George Civil War nurseBorn: Oct. 20, 1808Birthplace: Bridport, Vt. Of her early life, little is known. Born Elizabeth Hamilton, she later married W. L. George and had three…