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Corneille, Pierre

(Encyclopedia) Corneille, PierreCorneille, Pierrepyĕr kôrnāˈyə [key], 1606–84, French dramatist, ranking with Racine as a master of French classical tragedy. Educated by Jesuits, he practiced law…


(Encyclopedia) frigatefrigatefrĭgˈĭt [key], originally a long, narrow nautical vessel used on the Mediterranean, propelled by either oars or sail or both. Later, during the 18th and early 19th cent…


(Encyclopedia) mandamusmandamusmăndāˈməs [key] [Lat.,=we order], in law, writ directing the performance of ministerial acts. A ministerial act is one that a person or body is obliged by law to…

Marcus Aurelius

(Encyclopedia) Marcus Aurelius (Marcus Aelius Aurelius Antoninus)Marcus Aureliusmärˈkəs ôrēˈlēəs [key], 121–180, Roman emperor, named originally Marcus Annius Verus. He was a nephew of Faustina, the…

Edward VII

(Encyclopedia) Edward VII (Albert Edward), 1841–1910, king of Great Britain and Ireland (1901–10). The eldest son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, he was created prince of Wales almost…

Wingate, Orde Charles

(Encyclopedia) Wingate, Orde CharlesWingate, Orde Charlesôrd [key], 1903–44, British general. He served with the Sudan defense force (1928–33) and on special duty in Palestine (1936–39). It was in…

My Lai incident

(Encyclopedia) My Lai incidentMy Lai incidentmē lī [key], a massacre of Vietnamese civilians by U.S. soldiers in the Vietnam War. On Mar. 16, 1968, a unit of the U.S. army's Americal division, led by…


(Encyclopedia) iridiumiridiumĭrĭdˈēəm [key], metallic chemical element; symbol Ir; at. no. 77; at. wt. 192.217; m.p. about 2,410℃; b.p. about 4,130℃; sp. gr. 22.55 at 20℃; valence +3 or +4. Iridium…


(Encyclopedia) impressment, forcible enrollment of recruits for military duty. Before the establishment of conscription, many countries supplemented their militia and mercenary troops by impressment…

Dewey, George

(Encyclopedia) Dewey, GeorgeDewey, Georged&oomacr;ˈē, dy&oomacr;ˈ– [key], 1837–1917, American admiral, hero of the battle of Manila, b. Montpelier, Vt., grad. Annapolis, 1858. He saw active…