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(Encyclopedia) AristaeusAristaeusărĭstēˈəs [key], in Greek mythology, son of Apollo and Cyrene, especially honored as the inventor of beekeeping. Aristaeus tried to violate Eurydice, wife of Orpheus…

Éluard, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Éluard, PaulÉluard, Paulpōl ālüärˈ [key], 1895–1952, French poet. He was a leading exponent of surrealism. Among his volumes of verse are Mourir de ne pas mourir [to die of not dying…

Nilsson, Birgit

(Encyclopedia) Nilsson, BirgitNilsson, Birgitbĭrˈgĭt nĭlˈsôn [key], 1918–2005, Swedish soprano. Her powerful voice first came to international attention at the Munich Opera, where she was heard (1954…

Dilthey, Wilhelm

(Encyclopedia) Dilthey, WilhelmDilthey, Wilhelmvĭlˈhĕlm dĭlˈtī [key], 1833–1911, German philosopher. He taught at the universities of Basel, Kiel, Breslau, and Berlin. He was one of the first to…


(Encyclopedia) rhizomerhizomerīˈzōm [key] or rootstock, fleshy, creeping underground stem by means of which certain plants propagate themselves. Buds that form at the joints produce new shoots. Thus…

Renault, Mary

(Encyclopedia) Renault, Mary, pseud. of Mary Challens, 1905–83, English novelist, b. London. After receiving her nursing degree in 1936, she emigrated to South Africa. She was best-known for her…

Lehár, Franz

(Encyclopedia) Lehár, FranzLehár, Franzfränts lĕˈhär [key], 1870–1948, Hungarian composer of operettas. After completing studies at the Prague Conservatory (1882–88), he began a career as a conductor…

Gotthelf, Jeremias

(Encyclopedia) Gotthelf, JeremiasGotthelf, Jeremiasyārāmēˈäs gôtˈhĕlf [key], 1797–1854, Swiss writer and clergyman. His real name was Albert Bitzius; his pen name is that of the hero of his…


(Encyclopedia) lots. The casting of lots was an ancient method of making a choice, settling a dispute, or determining a course of action. In biblical times lots were cast to determine the will of God…


(Encyclopedia) AtalantaAtalantaätəlănˈtə [key], in Greek mythology, huntress famous for her speed and skill. She took part in the Calydonian hunt and was rewarded by Meleager with the pelt of the…