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10 Leading Causes of Death in the U.S., 2004

Leading causes of death differ somewhat by age, sex, and race. In 2004, as in previous years, accidents were the leading cause of death for those under 34 years, while in older age…

Anatomy and
Physiology: Hormones

HormonesAnatomy and PhysiologyHormonesFeedback: Not Just for GuitarsHow Hormones WorkHypothalamus: The Head HonchoPituitary: The First LieutenantThyroidKidneys: Not Just for Urine!Pancreas and…

2000 Inductees

Disney, Walt, 1901–1966, ART OF ANIMATION. Animation pioneer, invented the multiplane camera in 1937. This advanced camera created three-dimensional effects by giving the illusion of depth…

Exploding Exercise Myths

Getting Americans off the couch and onto their feet could save an estimated 200,000 lives a year, says the surgeon general. Yet most of us are either sedentary or only minimally active.…


(Encyclopedia) cystitiscystitissĭstīˈtĭs [key], common acute or chronic inflammation of the urinary bladder. The disease occurs primarily in young women and frequently results from bacterial invasion…

Top Deadly Diseases of the World

Of 57 million total deaths worldwide, heart disease accounts for more than 12%. See the table below for the rest of the top ten deadly diseases. Disease Annual mortality rate Percent of…

Anatomy and
Physiology: How Hormones Work

How Hormones WorkAnatomy and PhysiologyHormonesFeedback: Not Just for GuitarsHow Hormones WorkHypothalamus: The Head HonchoPituitary: The First LieutenantThyroidKidneys: Not Just for Urine!Pancreas…