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(Encyclopedia) prophylaxisprophylaxisprōˌfĭlăkˈsĭs [key], measures designed to prevent the occurrence of disease or its dissemination. Some examples of prophylaxis are immunization against serious…

coma, in medicine

(Encyclopedia) coma, in medicine, deep state of unconsciousness from which a person cannot be aroused even by painful stimuli. The patient cannot speak and does not respond to command. Coma is the…


(Encyclopedia) pancreaspancreaspănˈkrēəs [key], glandular organ that secretes digestive enzymes and hormones. In humans, the pancreas is a yellowish organ about 7 in. (17.8 cm) long and 1.5 in. (3.8…

du Vigneaud, Vincent

(Encyclopedia) du Vigneaud, Vincentdu Vigneaud, Vincentdy&oomacr; vēnˈyō [key], 1901–78, American biochemist, b. Chicago. He was professor of biochemistry and head of the department at George…


(Encyclopedia) halitosishalitosishălˌĭtōˈsĭs [key], unpleasant odor carried on the breath. It is usually the result of gum disorder, tooth decay, smoking, indulgence in aromatic foods, or a mild…


(Encyclopedia) nephrosisnephrosisnəfrōˈsəs [key], kidney disease characterized by lesions of the epithelial lining of the renal tubules, resulting in marked disturbance in the filtration function and…


(Encyclopedia) urinalysisurinalysisy&oobreve;rˌənălˈĭsĭs [key], clinical examination of urine for the purpose of medical diagnosis. Urine is initially examined for such characteristics as color,…


(Encyclopedia) convulsion, sudden, violent, involuntary contraction of the muscles of the body, often accompanied by loss of consciousness. It is not known what causes the abnormal impulses from the…

Houssay, Bernardo Alberto

(Encyclopedia) Houssay, Bernardo AlbertoHoussay, Bernardo Albertobārnärˈdō älbārˈtō ouˈsī [key], 1887–1971, Argentine physiologist, b. Buenos Aires. He was a child prodigy, entering college at the…

Zinkernagel, Rolf Martin

(Encyclopedia) Zinkernagel, Rolf Martin, 1944–, Swiss immunologist, grad. Univ. of Basel (M.D., 1968), Australian National Univ. (Ph.D., 1975). He has been a professor at the Univ. of Zürich since…