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(Encyclopedia) diabetes or diabetes mellitusdiabetesməlīˈtəs [key], chronic disorder of glucose (sugar) metabolism caused by inadequate production or use of insulin, a hormone produced in specialized…

Anatomy and
Physiology: Pancreas and Diabetes

Pancreas and DiabetesAnatomy and PhysiologyHormonesFeedback: Not Just for GuitarsHow Hormones WorkHypothalamus: The Head HonchoPituitary: The First LieutenantThyroidKidneys: Not Just for Urine!…

antidiabetic drug

(Encyclopedia) antidiabetic drug, any of several drugs that control blood sugar level in the treatment of diabetes. See insulin.

Macleod, John James Rickard

(Encyclopedia) Macleod, John James RickardMacleod, John James Rickardrĭkˈərd [key]Macleod, John James Rickard məkloudˈ [key], 1876–1935, Scottish physiologist, educated at Aberdeen and Leipzig. He…


(Encyclopedia) cataract, in medicine, opacity of the lens of the eye, which impairs vision. In the young, cataracts are generally congenital or hereditary; later they are usually the result of…


(Encyclopedia) iritisiritisīrīˈtĭs [key], inflammation of the iris, the pigmented portion of the eye surrounding the pupil. The condition is sometimes associated with diabetes, with rheumatic…

Murphy, William Parry

(Encyclopedia) Murphy, William Parry, 1892–1987, American physician, b. Stoughton, Wis., M.D. Harvard, 1920. He taught at Harvard from 1923 and was associated with the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, in…


(Encyclopedia) insulin, hormone secreted by the β cells of the islets of Langerhans, specific groups of cells in the pancreas. Insufficiency of insulin in the body results in diabetes. Insulin was…