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Trakl, Georg

(Encyclopedia) Trakl, GeorgTrakl, Georggāôrk träkˈəl [key], 1887–1914, Austrian expressionist poet. Trakl's work, influenced by French impressionist poetry, reveals his disgust with imperialistic…

Pisan, Christine de

(Encyclopedia) Pisan, Christine dePisan, Christine dekrēstēnˈ də pēzäNˈ [key], 1364–c.1430, French poet, of Italian descent. She wrote many verse romances and works in prose, as well as the lyric…

Josquin Desprez

(Encyclopedia) Josquin Desprez or Des PrésJosquin Desprez or Des Présboth: zhōsˈkăN dāprāˈ [key], c.1440–1521, Flemish composer, b. Hainaut, regarded by his contemporaries as the greatest of his age…

Crillon, Louis des Balbes de Berton de

(Encyclopedia) Crillon, Louis des Balbes de Berton deCrillon, Louis des Balbes de Berton delwē dā bälb də bĕrtôNˈ də krēyôNˈ [key], c.1541–1615, French soldier. He fought under François de Guise in…

Brissot de Warville, Jacques Pierre

(Encyclopedia) Brissot de Warville, Jacques PierreBrissot de Warville, Jacques Pierrezhäk pyĕr brēsōˈ də värvēlˈ [key], 1754–93, French revolutionary and journalist. He began his career by writing…

Anglo-Norman literature

(Encyclopedia) Anglo-Norman literature, body of literature written in England, in the French dialect known as Anglo-Norman, from c.1100 to c.1250. Initiated at the court of Henry I, it was supported…


(Encyclopedia) MaraisMaraismärāˈ [key] [Fr.,=swamp], old quarter of Paris, on the right bank of the Seine. Until the 18th cent. it was the most aristocratic section of Paris. The Hôtel des Tournelles…

Martens, Georg Friedrich von

(Encyclopedia) Martens, Georg Friedrich vonMartens, Georg Friedrich vongāôrkhˈ frēˈdrĭkh fôn märˈtəns [key], 1756–1821, German writer on international law, b. Hamburg. He was professor of…

Levasseur, Émile

(Encyclopedia) Levasseur, Émile (Pierre Émile Levasseur)Levasseur, Émilepyĕr āmēlˈ lüväsörˈ [key], 1828–1911, French economist. He was noted especially for his historical approach to the study of…