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Geometry: The Importance of Being Direct

The Importance of Being DirectGeometryTaking the Burden out of ProofsThe Law of DetachmentThe Importance of Being DirectProof by Contradiction: The Advantage of Being IndirectThe Given Information:…

Geometry: The Law of Detachment

The Law of DetachmentGeometryTaking the Burden out of ProofsThe Law of DetachmentThe Importance of Being DirectProof by Contradiction: The Advantage of Being IndirectThe Given Information: Use It or…

The Voyages

Pinpointing the explorer's whereabouts on October 12, 1492 Watch this video to discover Columbus's role in the "discovery" of the the New World and his…

Geometry: How Many Midpoints Are There?

How Many Midpoints Are There?GeometryProving Segment and Angle RelationshipsExploring MidpointsHow Many Midpoints Are There?Proving Angles Are CongruentUsing and Proving Angle ComplementsUsing and…

Geometry: Hyperbolic Geometry: Saddle Up!

Hyperbolic Geometry: Saddle Up!GeometryWhose Geometry Is It Anyway?Non-Euclidean GeometryHyperbolic Geometry: Saddle Up!Spherical GeometryTaxi-Cab GeometryMax GeometryHow Many Shapes Can a Circle…

What Makes a State, Country, or Nation?

Have you ever wondered what distinguishes a state from a country, or a nation from a state? This quiz will test your knowledge on the definitions of state, country, and nation, and provide…

Writing Well: Neat and Tidy: Classify-Divide

Neat and Tidy: Classify-DivideWriting WellYou Got Some 'Splaining to Do, Lucy: ExpositionThe Perfect Couple: Cause and EffectNeat and Tidy: Classify-DivideAlike and Different: Comparison and…