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Portraits and Designs of U.S. Paper Currency

Currency1Portrait Design on back$1 Washington ONE between obverse and reverse of Great Seal of U.S.$22Jefferson Monticello$23Jefferson “The Signing of the Declaration of Independence”$…

Glossary of Chemical Terms - L

LA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Lanthanides The series of f-block elements between lanthanum and hafnium. laser Acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of…


(Encyclopedia) life, although there is no universal agreement as to a definition of life, its biological manifestations are generally considered to be organization, metabolism, growth, irritability,…


(Encyclopedia) criminology, the study of crime, society's response to it, and its prevention, including examination of the environmental, hereditary, or psychological causes of crime, modes of…


(Encyclopedia) democracy [Gr.,=rule of the people], term originating in ancient Greece to designate a government where the people share in directing the activities of the state, as distinct from…

Geometry: The Big Five

The Big FiveGeometryCongruent TrianglesCPOCTACThe Big FiveThe SAS PostulateThe ASA PostulateThe AAS TheoremProving Segments and Angles Are CongruentProving Lines Are Parallel In order to make use…

New Dwarf Planet Named Eris

The newest addition to our solar system—formerly known as 2003 UB313 and Xena—now has an official name by Shmuel Ross and Chris Frantz Related Links Pluto Demoted! (from August 2006) A…

Geometry: The Big Three

The Big Three Geometry Similar Triangles Ratio, Proportion, and Geometric Means Properties of Similar Triangles The Big Three In order to prove that two triangles are similar, you would need…