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Great South Bay

(Encyclopedia) Great South Bay, arm of the Atlantic Ocean, c.45 mi (72 km) long, between the southern shore of Long Island and offshore barrier islands, SE N.Y. With the rapid population growth along…

Natives, South American

(Encyclopedia) Natives, South American, aboriginal peoples of South America. In the land mass extending from the Isthmus of Panama to Tierra del Fuego, Native American civilizations developed long…

New South Wales

(Encyclopedia) New South Wales, state (2016 pop. 7,480,228), 309,443 sq mi (801,457 sq km), SE Australia. It is bounded on the E by the Pacific Ocean. Sydney is the capital. The other principal urban…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: August 2, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark August 1, 1805August 3, 1805August 2, 1805 August 2nd 1805. We resumed our march this morning at sunrise the weather was fair and wind from N. W…