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Natives, South American

(Encyclopedia) Natives, South American, aboriginal peoples of South America. In the land mass extending from the Isthmus of Panama to Tierra del Fuego, Native American civilizations developed long…

South El Monte

(Encyclopedia) South El Monte, city (1990 pop. 20,850), Los Angeles co., S Calif., in the San Gabriel Valley; inc. 1958. Manufactures include transportation equipment, electrical and plastic products…

South Manchurian Railway

(Encyclopedia) South Manchurian Railway, Japanese-developed enterprise, with a trackage of 701 mi (1128 km). The line from Changchun to Lüshun (Port Arthur), originally belonging to the Russian-built…

South Orkney Islands

(Encyclopedia) South Orkney Islands, group in the South Atlantic, c.850 mi (1,370 km) SE of Cape Horn. Discovered in 1821, they were claimed by the British and are included as dependencies of the…

South Saint Paul

(Encyclopedia) South Saint Paul, city (1990 pop. 20,197), Dakota co., SE Minn., a suburb of St. Paul, on the Mississippi River; inc. 1887. It was long known for its large stockyards and meatpacking…

South San Francisco

(Encyclopedia) South San Francisco, city (1990 pop. 54,312), San Mateo co., W Calif.; inc. 1908. South San Francisco has several industrial parks; its manufactures include medical supplies and…

South Sea Bubble

(Encyclopedia) South Sea Bubble, popular name in England for the speculation in the South Sea Company, which failed disastrously in 1720. The company was formed in 1711 by Robert Harley, who needed…

South Shetland Islands

(Encyclopedia) South Shetland Islands, barren, snow-covered archipelago off N Antarctic Peninsula, W Antarctica; Livingston and King George islands are the largest. The South Shetlands were bases for…