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Who's the Man?

Muhammad Ali toys with an unsuspecting Oscar De La HoyaAP/Wide World Photos Roy Jones Jr. and Oscar De La Hoya continued to battle it out for the mythical title as pound-for-pound champion.…

The Supreme Court and Equal Rights

  The Constitution describes equal rights only in general terms. The courts, especially the Supreme Court, have had to decide how these consitutional guarantees apply to specific situations. Some…

The Supreme Court: Election Machinery That Works

Election Machinery That WorksThe Supreme CourtElecting Our LeadersElection Machinery That WorksRemapping DistrictsPaying for CampaignsGetting the Word OutSwitching Parties Most of us watched…

October Current Events 2023: Disaster News

Top of Page World News | U.S. News | Science & Technology News | Current Events This Week The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you…

Election 2000

Election EnnuiThe ContendersElection CliffhangerSupreme Court DecisionPresident-Elect Bush

The Supreme Court and Federalism

  The framers of the Constitution sought to balance the rights of the several states and the powers of the new federal government. Their solution was a federal system, which divides powers between…

Scottish Independence Referendum

The kingdom remains united Related Links Scotland Country Profile United Kingdom Guide to New Nations Country Profiles On September 18, 2014,…

Powell v. Alabama (1932)

Historical BackgroundBy the 1930s, the reign of Jim Crow had reached its apex in the South. Segregation of the races remained the norm across the region-and, indeed, across the nation.…

General Assembly

The General Assembly is the world's forum for discussing matters affecting world peace and security, and for making recommendations concerning them. It has no…