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Federalist No. 65

No 64 No 66 The Powers of the Senate Continued From the New York Packet.Friday, March 7, 1788. Hamilton To the People of the State of New York: THE remaining…

The True George Washington: Soldier: Strategy

StrategyStrikingly at variance with these personal qualities of courage and hot blood is the "Fabian" policy for which he is so generally credited, and a study of his military career goes far…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 65

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 64Federalist No. 66Federalist No. 65 The Powers of the Senate Continued To the People of the State of New York: The…

The Supreme Court: Protecting Land and Home

Protecting Land and HomeThe Supreme CourtDeciding Property RightsProtecting Land and HomeSaving WetlandsProtecting Patents, Copyrights and TrademarksTrademark for Sex Shop Most of the time…

Warren Harding (December 8, 1922)

MEMBERS OF THE CONGRESS: So many problems are calling for solution that a recital of all of them, in the face of the known limitations of a short session of Congress, would seem to lack sincerity…

Treaty of Ghent: Article the Fourth

Article the ThirdArticle the FifthArticle the Fourth Whereas it was stipulated by the second Article in the Treaty of Peace of one thousand seven hundred and eighty three between His…