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Canadian art and architecture

(Encyclopedia) Canadian art and architecture, the various types and styles arts and structures produced in the geographic area that now constitutes Canada. For a discussion of the art of indigenous…

Beginning a Long Journey

Chapter 1 Chapter 3 Beginning a Long Journey In 1803, availing himself of a plausible pretext to send out an exploring expedition, President Jefferson asked Congress to…

Lewis & Clark: Beginning a Long Journey

by NoahBrooks A Great Transaction in LandFrom the Lower to the Upper RiverBeginning a Long Journey In 1803, availing himself of a plausible pretext to send out an…

April 2001 News and Events

WorldSerbs Arrest Slobodan Milosevic (April 1): Former Yugoslav president held at Belgrade's Central Prison. He surrenders after receiving a guarantee of a fair trial. U.S. Plane and Chinese…

September 1999 News and Events

1999 News Month-By-Month World NATO and U.N. Agree on K.L.A. Role (Sept. 2): Part of Kosovo Liberation Army will be allowed to survive as lightly armed civilian emergency force. Middle East…

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) (U.S.)

Destination: Lunar orbit. Launch: Oct. 2008. Mission: To obtain data necessary for the return of humans to the Moon. The orbiting craft will measure deep-space radiation in lunar orbit, map…

Genesis (U.S.)

Destination: The Sun. Launched: Aug. 8, 2001. Return: Sept. 8, 2004. Mission: To gather samples of charged particles of the solar wind and return them to Earth. The drogue parachute of the…

Places Where Women Made History

Some people consider the single most important place in U.S. women's history to be Seneca Falls, New York, where on July 19, 1848, the first women's rights convention was held. Seneca Falls…