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Kelmscott Press

(Encyclopedia) Kelmscott Press, printing establishment in London. There William Morris led the 19th-century revival of the art and craft of making books (see arts and crafts). The first book made by…

Mackintosh, Charles Rennie

(Encyclopedia) Mackintosh, Charles RennieMackintosh, Charles Renniemăkˈəntŏshˌ [key], 1868–1928, Scottish architect, artist, and furniture designer. Probably the greatest architect and designer…

fair trade

(Encyclopedia) fair trade, a trading arrangement intended to provide more equitable international trade by creating better conditions for disadvantaged or marginalized producers of goods. Fair trade…

Earth Day: Quizzes, Games, & Activities

Quizzes, Games, & Activities Try one of these quizzes about the environment or make an environmentally themed craft. Environment Quiz Global Warming Quiz Famous Environmentalists…

June 2017 Current Events: Disaster News

Top of Page Science & Technology News | US News | World News The world, unfortunately, can be a very dangerous place. Accidents and natural disasters occur regularly and without warning. Please…

Brewer's: Gentle

(g soft) means having the manners of genteel persons —i.e. persons of family, called gens in Latin. “We must be gentle, now we are gentlemen.” - Shakespeare: Winter's Tale, v. 2. The…

Space Accidents

1967Jan. 27, Apollo 1: a fire aboard the space capsule on the ground at Cape Kennedy, Fla., killed astronauts Virgil I. Grissom, Edward H. White, and Roger Chaffee. April 23–24, Soyuz 1:…

Hard Labor

How unions fought to honor the American worker In the 1930s, strikes like the one at the Paterson Silk Factory helped workers secure fair wages and decent working conditions. (Source/Arttoday)…

Earth Day

Spikes in prices raise awareness of the need to conserve resources Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970, a result of the efforts of Sen. Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis.), a passionate advocate of…


(Encyclopedia) PimaPimapēˈmə [key], Native North American tribe of S Arizona. They speak the Pima language of the Uto-Aztecan branch of the Aztec-Tanoan linguistic family (see Native American…