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Displaying 371 - 380

Native American Tribes in Texas

Source: iStockIndigenous peoples exist throughout the world, from South America to Asia, Europe to Australia. And North America is no different— with 574 recognized tribes in the continental United…

Sirach: 38

Sirach Chapter 38 1 Honour a physician with the honour due unto him for the uses which ye may have of him: for the Lord hath created him. 2 For of the most High cometh healing,…

William Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act III, Scene IV

Scene IVThe Queen's closetEnter Queen Margaret and PoloniusLord PoloniusHe will come straight. Look you lay home to him: Tell him his pranks have been too broad to bear with, And that your…

Lewis & Clark: Down the Pacific Slope

by NoahBrooks Across the Great DivideDown the Columbia to TidewaterDown the Pacific Slope The early days of October were spent in making preparations for the descent…

Down the Pacific Slope

Chapter 14 Chapter 16 Down the Pacific Slope The early days of October were spent in making preparations for the descent of the river,--the Kooskooskee. Here they made their…

Chauncey Judd: Rescue and Flight

Negro Patriotism Capture Rescue and Flight The robbers, who had been waiting for Henry in Wooster's barn, became impatient at his failure to give the signal which had been agreed upon…

Chauncey Judd: Ebenezer Dayton

The Abduction The Robbers Ebenezer Dayton While these nocturnal travelers are snatching a few minutes' sleep in Mr. Gunn's barn, let us explain who they are, and why they appear here…