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August 1999 News and Events

1999 News Month-By-Month World China Launches Long-Range Missile (Aug. 2): Announcement is unusual. Beijing attacks U.S. for sale of military equipment to Taiwan in middle of crisis. NATO…

Coleridge: Kubla Khan, Notes

ChristabelFrance: an OdeKubla Khan Kubla Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan, was a Mongolian conqueror who stretched his empire from European Russia to the eastern shores of China in the…

Movies and Film: The Schools of Film Acting

The Schools of Film ActingMovies and FilmArtists or Stars? The Aesthetics of ActingFilm Acting vs. Theater ActingThe Star SystemThe Schools of Film Acting"The Actor's Director": Priming the Prima…

Movies and Film: Two Chinas, Two Cinemas

Two Chinas, Two CinemasMovies and FilmAsian Film HistoryTwo Chinas, Two CinemasHong Kong: Cantonese, Kung-Fu, and a New WaveBenching the Benshi: Japan's Illustrious CenturyThe Master: The Art of…

Middle-earth Timeline

From the creation of Middle-earth to the War of the Ring by Laura Hayes Tolkien created a long and rich history for Middle-earth, and meant it to be an alternative mythic history for our…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 26, 1804

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 25, 1804May 27, 1804May 26, 1804 May 26th 1804. Set out at 7 oClock after a hard rain & Wind, & proceed on verry well under Sale.…

The Divine Comedy: Inferno: Canto XXVI

Inferno: Canto XXVInferno: Canto XXVIIInferno: Canto XXVI Rejoice, O Florence, since thou art so great, That over sea and land thou beatest thy wings, And throughout Hell thy name is…

The Divine Comedy: Inferno: Canto XXVII

Inferno: Canto XXVIInferno: Canto XXVIIIInferno: Canto XXVII Already was the flame erect and quiet, To speak no more, and now departed from us With the permission of the gentle Poet…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto II

Paradiso: Canto IParadiso: Canto IIIParadiso: Canto II O Ye, who in some pretty little boat, Eager to listen, have been following Behind my ship, that singing sails along, Turn back…

Native American Tribes in Texas

Source: iStockIndigenous peoples exist throughout the world, from South America to Asia, Europe to Australia. And North America is no different— with 574 recognized tribes in the continental United…