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Brewer's: Craft

(A). A trade (Anglo-Saxon, cræft). A craftsman is a mechanic. A handicraft is manual skill, i.e. mechanical skill. And leechcraft is skill in medicine. (Anglo-Saxon læce-cræft; læce, a…


(Encyclopedia) crafts: see arts and crafts.

Juanita Craft House

Juanita Craft House Dallas, Texas Both Martin Luther King, Jr., and President Lyndon Johnson visited this ordinary home to seek advice from the extraordinary civil-rights activist Juanita…

Velde, Henri van de

(Encyclopedia) Velde, Henri van deVelde, Henri van deäNrēˈ väN də vĕld [key], 1863–1957, Belgian designer and architect. Beginning as a painter, critic, and crafts designer in Belgium and in France,…


(Encyclopedia) handicraft: see arts and crafts.

arts and crafts

(Encyclopedia) arts and crafts, term for that general field of applied design in which hand fabrication is dominant. The term was coined in England in the late 19th cent. as a label for the then-…


(Encyclopedia) Abadeh Abadeh äbädāˈ [key], town, Fars prov., S central Iran. It is the trade center for a grain- and fruit-growing region. Sesame oil and castor oil are…


(Encyclopedia) Beckley, city (2020 pop. 17,286), seat of Raleigh co., S W.Va.; inc. 1927. Beckley's major industries include tourism, agriculture (…

Jekyll, Gertrude

(Encyclopedia) Jekyll, Gertrude, 1843–1932, British artist, landscape gardener, and crafts artist. She was associated with William Robinson and Edwin Lutyens in developing an informal and natural…


(Encyclopedia) Rhinebeck, village (1990 pop. 2,725), Dutchess co., SE N.Y., in the foothills of the Berkshire Mts. near the Hudson River; settled before 1700, inc. 1834. It is the site of Beekman…