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(Encyclopedia) Ashdod Ashdod ăshˈdŏd, ăshdōdˈ [key] [Heb.,=stronghold], city, SW Israel, on the Mediterranean Sea. It is Israel's leading port after Haifa. Construction is…


(Encyclopedia) MálagaMálagamäˈlägä [key], city (1990 pop. 560,495), capital of Málaga prov., S Spain, in Andalusia, on the Guadalmedina River and the Costa del Sol. Picturesquely situated on the Bay…

Nervi, Pier Luigi

(Encyclopedia) Nervi, Pier LuigiNervi, Pier Luigipyĕr lw&oomacr;ēˈjē nĕrˈvē [key], 1891–1979, Italian architectural engineer. Nervi is considered one of the foremost European architectural…

Lee Myung Bak

(Encyclopedia) Lee Myung BakLee Myung Baklē myŭng bäk [key], 1941–, South Korean business executive and politician, president of South Korea (2008–13), b. Osaka, Japan. He began his business career…

Kerch Strait

(Encyclopedia) Kerch Strait, shallow channel, c.25 mi (40 km) long, connecting the Sea of Azov with the Black Sea and separating Crimea in the west from Russia's Taman Peninsula in the east. Its…

Clayton Antitrust Act

(Encyclopedia) Clayton Antitrust Act, 1914, passed by the U.S. Congress as an amendment to clarify and supplement the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890. It was drafted by Henry De Lamar Clayton. The act…

Hay-Herrán Treaty

(Encyclopedia) Hay-Herrán TreatyHay-Herrán Treatyhā-ĕränˈ [key], 1903, aborted agreement between the United States and Colombia providing for U.S. control of the prospective Panama Canal and for U.S…


(Encyclopedia) HatshepsutHatshepsuthätshĕpˈs&oobreve;t [key], d. 1458 b.c., ruler of ancient Egypt, of the XVIII dynasty; eldest daughter of Thutmose I. She managed to rule Egypt by relegating…

Roca, Julio Argentino

(Encyclopedia) Roca, Julio ArgentinoRoca, Julio Argentinoh&oomacr;ˈlyō ärhāntēˈnō rōˈkä [key], 1843–1914, general who became president of Argentina (1880–86, 1898–1904). Minister of war under…

Baltimore & Ohio Railroad

(Encyclopedia) Baltimore & Ohio Railroad (B&O), first U.S. public railroad, chartered in 1827 by a group of Baltimore businessmen to regain trans-Allegheny traffic lost to the newly opened…