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(Encyclopedia) brownstone, red to brown variety of sandstone. Its unusual color is caused in some instances by the presence of red iron oxide which acts as a cement, binding the sand grains together…


(Encyclopedia) centering, the framework of wood or of wood and steel built to support a masonry arch or vault during its construction. The centering itself must be rigidly supported, either by posts…

Yakima, indigenous people of North America

(Encyclopedia) YakimaYakimayăkˈəmô, –mə [key], indigenous people of North America whose language belongs to the Sahaptin-Chinook branch of the Penutian linguistic stock (see Native American languages…


(Encyclopedia) YeniseiYeniseiyĕnĭsāˈ, Rus. yĕnyĭsyāˈ [key], chief river of Siberia, c.2,500 mi (4,020 km) long, central Siberian Russia. It is formed at Kyzyl, Tuva Republic, by the junction of the…

Vizcarra, Martín

(Encyclopedia) Vizcarra, Martín (Martín Alberto Vizcarra Cornejo), 1963–, Peruvian political leader. A civil engineer, he worked from 1992 to 2010 in his family's construction business. As a member…


(Encyclopedia) Honolulu Honolulu hŏnˌəl&oomacr;ˈl&oomacr;, hōnō– [key], city (…

Albany, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia) Albany Albany 1, 3, 4 ôlˈbənē; 2 ôlˈbĕnˌē, ălbāˈnē [key]. 1 Residential city (2020 pop. 20,271), Alameda co., W Calif., on the eastern shore of San…

Tennessee Valley Authority

(Encyclopedia) Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), independent U.S. government corporate agency, created in 1933 by act of Congress; it is responsible for the integrated development of the Tennessee…


(Encyclopedia) skyscraper, modern building of great height, constructed on a steel skeleton. The form originated in the United States. By convention, a skyscraper is a building that is used…

Roca, Julio Argentino

(Encyclopedia) Roca, Julio ArgentinoRoca, Julio Argentinoh&oomacr;ˈlyō ärhāntēˈnō rōˈkä [key], 1843–1914, general who became president of Argentina (1880–86, 1898–1904). Minister of war under…