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Displaying 421 - 430

John Gibbon

John GibbonBorn: 1903 Heart-Lung Machine. Gibbon's development of the heart-lung machine made possible the first successful open-heart operation in 1953. Improved versions allow surgeons…

Lloyd Hall

Lloyd HallBorn: 1894 Food Preservatives. Hall made great strides in keeping food fresh and making it more flavorful. He created food preservatives, meat-curing products, seasonings, emulsions…

Charles D. Kelman

Charles D. KelmanBorn: 1930 Cataract Surgery. In 1963, Kelman designed the ultrasonic phacoemulsifier, which liquefies cataracts so they can be removed by suction. The pioneering procedure reduced…

Bernard Oliver

Bernard OliverBorn: 1916 Pulse Code Modulation. Oliver and Shannon developed the first high-speed digital transmission system based on coded electronic pulses, making digital telephone…

Norbert Rillieux

Norbert RillieuxBorn: 1806 Automated Sugar Refining. Rillieux automated modern sugar production and made it dramatically more efficient, while producing a much higher quality of sugar. It…

Bradford Parkinson

Bradford ParkinsonBorn: 1935 Global Positioning System—GPS. During the 1950s, Getting advanced the concept of using a system of satellites to allow the calculation of precise positioning data…

Claude Shannon

Claude ShannonBorn: 1916 Pulse Code Modulation. Oliver and Shannon developed the first high-speed digital transmission system based on coded electronic pulses, making digital telephone…

George Carruthers

George CarruthersBorn: 1939 Far Electrograph Ultraviolet Camera. The Far Ultraviolet Camera and Spectrograph uses ultraviolet light to study Earth's upper atmosphere, stars, and interstellar space.…

Frank Cepollina

Frank Cepollina Born: 1936 Satellite Servicing Techniques. In 1970 Frank Cepollina led the effort to develop NASA's first spacecraft to be repaired in…

Glenn Curtiss

Glenn CurtissBorn: 1878 Hydroaeroplane. In Jan. 1911, Curtiss successfully flew from water to land and from land to water. He generated over 70 patents during his lifetime, including designs…