
Search results

Displaying 411 - 420

Charles Best

Charles BestBorn: 1899 Purified Insulin. Canadian scientists Banting, Best, and Collip determined that insulin injections would help keep diabetics alive and developed techniques for extracting,…

James Collip

James CollipBorn: 1892 Purified Insulin. Canadian scientists Banting, Best, and Collip determined that insulin injections would help keep diabetics alive and developed techniques for extracting,…

Harry Coover

Harry CooverBorn: 1919 Superglue. Coover's invention of a new class of adhesives has influenced medicine, industry, and consumers. At Eastman Chemical, Coover discovered cyanoacrylate…

Ray Dolby

Ray DolbyBorn: 1933 Dolby Noise Reduction. During the 1960s, Dolby discovered a way to dramatically reduce the “hiss” from analog tape sound recording and reproduction, revolutionizing the…

Vannevar Bush

Vannevar BushBorn: 1890 Differential Analyzer. During WWII, Bush headed the Office of Scientific Research and Development, overseeing the work of 6,000 scientists developing over 200 military…

Wallace Coulter

Wallace CoulterBorn: 1913 Coulter Principle. A common diagnostic medical tool, the complete blood count would not be possible without Coulter's invention of the Coulter Counter. Coulter…

Edith Flanigen

Edith FlanigenBorn: 1929 Molecular Sieves. A pioneer in silicate and molecular sieve chemistry, Flanigen invented or co-invented over 200 synthetic materials. Her work with zeolite Y made oil…

Robert Gallo

Robert GalloBorn: 1937 HIV Isolation and Identification. Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier both discovered HIV, determining that the virus was the cause of AIDS, and making it more possible to…

Luc Montagnier

Luc Montagnier Born: 1932 HIV Isolation and Identification. Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier both discovered HIV, determining…

Ivan Getting

Ivan GettingBorn: 1912 Global Positioning System—GPS. During the 1950s, Getting advanced the concept of using a system of satellites to allow the calculation of precise positioning data for…